Nothing on this page is to be understood as direct medical advice.
In case of questions, doubts or personal incompatibilities, always consult certified medical professionals. The author of this page is not a certified medical professional. This page is updated as of 2023.


Personal Everyday Medical Packet

As people who live in a society among others, you can help others in medical emergencies.
If we aspire to be a better society, some would say that it is our civic and moral duty to do so.
If that sounds too sacharine and goody-two-shoes for you, then at least think about your own health and well-being, your family and your friends. Light injuries, wounds, scratches and bites can and will happen and rarely is there any medical aid at hand to stabilize, clean out or get rid of the results of such happenings.

At the very least, imagine yourself or your friend, brother, wife, grandmother or son just losing consciousness in front of you. What will you do?

The main thing, of course, is knowledge. It would be benefitial for you to sign up for a local first aid course or to at least periodically brush up on the principles of first aid. It won't take up too much of your time but if or when something happens you will be ready. Remember that Murphy's law is always in effect.

For your everyday adventures it's enough to add about 30-40 grams of extra weight to your pockets or everyday bag (35 grams is the average weight of a standard lightbulb).

If you carry a PEMP every day, you can deal with most common medical situations or allow other people to use it on yourself. Yes, you are carrying it "just in case" and that case may not even happen but 30-40 grams won't weigh anybody down and even if something happens, you'll be ready.

What is the basic PEMP?

The basic PEMP can be used for simple scrapes, scratches, burns, cuts and bitesThe products listed below are examples first and foremost. None of this is an ad or endorsement for any particular brand. If something costs less/more or is more available or works best for you, it should always be used.

!!! All PEMP versions aren't aimed at providing full medical support in emergencies and are only for getting a person to the nearest medical care center alive, which should always be your first priority!!!


2 simple band-aids are the key to dealing with minor scratches, cuts and fresh calluses.In very extreme situations, band-aids with strong adhesives can be used to temporarily close a gaping wound until more long-term solutions are available.

Something to revive unconsciousness

Ammonia inhalants in the form of towelettes or capsules are a great way to help fainted people regain their senses or to use on yourself when you need to focus your attention on something.Do not contact bare skin with the ammonia, just hold it close to the victims nose for a short time.

Alcohol pads

A couple of alcohol swab pads will be enough to disinfect and clean out small wounds before dressing.

Something to stop the burn

A pad or hydrogel flap with cooling and soothing agents will help with burns. A product that is explicitly stated as being aimed at treating type 1 and 2 burns is preferred.

Something to stop the bleeding (hemostatic agent)

A light gauze or non-woven pad with some sort of hemostatic agent. This can be used to help clot venal and capillar blood flow from wounds (not arterial!). In extreme situations it can be used to tamponade a hemorraghing open wound.

At the total price (quite cheap for most countries) and weight, any person can afford to carry and use a PEMP to help themselves, their loved ones or other people.You can't sit and hope that someone will do something in a crisis situation. Be the ones who do something.For most people the basic PEMP is enough. If you are interested in being prepared for more serious and life-threatening injuries, then check out PEMP+